Artificial Intelligence and DOOH Advertising: Transforming the Outdoor Advertising Experience

11/07/2024 CleceOOH
Inteligencia artificial y publicidad exterior DOOH

In the dynamic world of outdoor advertising, the fusion of Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI) is redefining the rules of the game.

This synergy is not only enhancing the effectiveness of advertising campaigns and the return on investment but also creating more personalized and relevant experiences for consumers.

At Clece OOH, as the leading exclusive provider of spectacular DOOH media in Madrid’s transport interchanges, we are at the forefront of this transformation.



Generative AI tools are enabling creatives and designers to take their ideas for digital outdoor advertising campaigns beyond traditional limits.

It’s important to highlight that these tools will not replace human teams; rather, they will support them, freeing them from repetitive tasks and providing new perspectives to explore.


Generation and Enhancement of Visual Content

Since 2023, artificial intelligence has introduced us to tools for generating and enhancing hyper-realistic videos and images.

Some of the most notable are Midjourney, Stable Diffusion, Adobe FireFly, Runway, Sora, Kaiber, Pika Labs, WonderDynamics, Dall-E, Leonardo AI, ChatGPT for Adobe After Effects (AfterFX), VoluMax7 for After Effects, Deforum

These platforms and applications allow advertisers to generate high-quality visual content quickly and efficiently, adapting to the unique specifications of DOOH media. Especially for large-format LED screens with unique dimensions, such as those of Clece OOH in premium locations in Madrid.

Thus, tools like the French AdCreative.AI enable the automatic creation of AI-generated ads in all sizes, proportions, and required formats.

For example, imagine a campaign for a soda brand that needs to adapt to different urban contexts. AI can instantly generate variations of the main image, showcasing the product in various scenarios around Madrid, such as Príncipe Pío or Plaza de Castilla, all while maintaining impeccable visual and brand consistency.


Optimization of Texts and Calls to Action

Generative AI is not limited to visual aspects. Tools like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Copilot facilitate advertising copywriting. These systems can generate and optimize persuasive texts and calls to action (CTAs) that connect with the target audience, maximizing the impact of every word in the limited space of a DOOH ad.

One of the most innovative features of these tools is their ability to adjust the level of creativity and chaos in the generated texts.

For instance, a campaign aimed at a young audience may require original and disruptive content that uses informal language, wordplay, and current cultural references.

In this sense, AI allows experimentation in the A/B testing phase. This means evaluating different versions of an ad, with concise and direct texts, to determine which performs best.



Personalization is key in modern advertising, and Dynamic Content Optimization (DCO) technology is taking this concept to new heights in the DOOH realm.


Real-Time Adaptation

Imagine a DOOH ad that changes its content based on factors such as the weather, time of day, or local events, such as sports results or leisure events.

Thanks to AI and DCO, this is now a reality. A fashion brand can display ads for raincoats when it rains or light blouses on a sunny day, all automatically and in real-time.


Data-Driven Personalization

AI analyzes vast amounts of data to understand audience behavior patterns. In the transport interchanges of Madrid, this means that ads can adapt to the flow of passengers, showing breakfast offers during morning rush hours or nightlife promotions in the evening.

Similarly, a gym chain can segment its audience, displaying ads for muscle-building and fitness to young people, and pool, yoga, and pilates activities to an older audience.



AI’s ability to process and analyze large volumes of data opens up new possibilities in the planning and execution of DOOH campaigns.


Real-Time Insights

Platforms like APPcelerate use AI to collect and analyze audience data in real-time. This allows advertisers to leverage this Big Data to gain valuable insights into the performance of their campaigns and make adjustments on the fly to maximize their impact.

Outdoor advertising campaigns in the Avenida de América, Plaza de Castilla, and Príncipe Pío interchanges, managed by Clece OOH, offer this data with APPcelerate technology, providing a unique and robust measurement consistent across the entire Madrid interchange environment, both indoor and outdoor.


Predictive Analysis

AI not only analyzes the past and present but can also predict future trends. This is crucial for long-term DOOH campaign planning, allowing advertisers to anticipate changes in consumer behavior and adjust their strategies accordingly.


Campaign Optimization: AI in Action

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing how DOOH campaigns are planned, executed, and optimized, especially through programmatic advertising platforms.


Smart Programmatic Buying

AI-powered DSPs (Demand-Side Platforms), such as the one offered by APPcelerate, facilitate the purchase of DOOH ad spaces. These systems use advanced algorithms to optimize bids in real-time, ensuring that ads are displayed at the optimal time and place to maximize ROI.


Smart Location Selection

AI analyzes historical and real-time data to identify the most effective DOOH locations for each campaign. In the context of Madrid’s transport interchanges, this could mean prioritizing certain screens based on passenger traffic patterns or local events.

For example, it can identify times of the day when a higher volume of students use public transport, pinpointing very specific time slots and advertising spaces in corridors and bus bays to show ads for language academies.


At Clece OOH, we invite advertisers and agencies to explore with us the infinite possibilities offered by the symbiosis between AI and DOOH. Together, we can create advertising campaigns that not only capture attention but also provide real value to consumers. Learn more at Clece OOH.

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Commercialization of advertising spaces in Madrid’s transport interchange stations.
Circuit of large-format digital screens for spectacular outdoor advertising.

 Avenida de Manoteras,46, bis 2ª planta ·  28050 Madrid   |
