The impact of DOOH: Insights from marketing opinion forums

25/05/2024 CleceOOH
El impacto de los foros de DOOH en el sector de la publicidad y marketing

Specialized forums on DOOH (Digital Out-Of-Home) have become key spaces for discussing the new opportunities and challenges that technological evolution has brought to outdoor advertising. Street advertising has been a cornerstone of marketing for decades.

However, the emergence of digital screens in recent years has led to an extraordinary leap towards more spectacular, interactive campaigns with greater data volume on the audience. In this article, we explore the most prominent DOOH forums for 2024 and delve into their advantages and impact on the development of the advertising sector.



The Asociación de Empresas de Comunicación, Fede, hold its XXXI Outdoor Advertising Conference at the end of May 2024 at the Córdoba Conference Center. Undoubtedly, this is the major event in the sector, thanks to its ability to bring together brands and advertisers, advertising and media agencies, exclusivists, associations, and technology solution providers. The theme of this flagship forum was “Outdoor, the Most Real Medium in a Digital World.” It focused on the digital transformation driving the renewal of inventory supports. Presentations revolved around key themes such as advanced technology, innovation, multichannel connection, creative inspiration, geo-audience measurement, planning, and efficiency.



The IX DOOH Forum was held at the end of April 2024, organized by El Periódico de la Publicidad. It presented success stories that favor campaigns involving various media, combining large-format outdoor screens with mobile device virality, emphasizing DOOH throughout the funnel. The event’s points of interest were oriented towards campaign activation, optimization, measurement, and effectiveness. At Clece OOH, we participated alongside AppCelerate and Gran Pantalla in the previous edition of this forum, showcasing our new uniform audience measurement system for Indoor and Outdoor at Madrid’s transportation hubs. The full 18-minute presentation, which is of undeniable interest, is available in this video.



El Periódico de la Publicidad organizes the Programmatic Advertising Forum annually. In the fall of 2024, it will celebrate its tenth edition. The event, held at Callao City Lights in Madrid, offers presentations and round tables featuring agencies, advertisers, ad-tech companies, and publishers. It is an opportunity to discuss the latest trends in programmatic buying, one of the technologies most forcefully changing the game in optimizing outdoor advertising campaigns. Its disruptive novelty? The automated and data-driven approach to buying and selling advertising space in real-time, such as large-format screens at transport hubs and digital bus shelters in station lobbies and corridors. This contracting method allows advertisers and agencies to segment their audience, personalize their messages, reduce manual work, and reach their target audience more effectively.



Programmatic Spain promotes a rich agenda of events throughout the year, covering various specialties. In 2024, they are organizing thematic forums on identity and measurement, DOOH, Retail Media, Sustainability, AI & Martech, CTV & DOOH, CTV & Video, the outsider Golf Nautas, and the PS Awards. Among them, the Programmatic Morning DOOH stands out, with Clece OOH as collaborators. Its primary goal is constant learning and updating, condensing a rich number of presentations and debate panels by advertising ecosystem experts into 6 hours. This agile and fast format, with short and idea-focused interventions, is essential for discovering new trends. The session on March 13 at the Espacio Rastro in Madrid featured the DOOH Solutions Landscape Zoom, where Clece OOH participated as exclusive advertising support providers. Again, reinforcing the interests of 2024, the main themes were audience measurement, digital creativity, omnichannel/cross-media, and the use of data in digital outdoor.



Parallel to the major sector events, other 2024 events will also touch on related aspects. FOA 2024 (“Future of Advertising”) will take place on June 6 in Barcelona. The Digital Enterprise Show 2024, dedicated to digital transformation, will be held in Málaga from June 11 to 13. The IAB Spain webinar “Enhancing Consideration: Maximizing Impact with pDOOH” is scheduled for June 21.



Forums play a crucial role in advancing DOOH, offering spaces for knowledge exchange and collaboration. While in-person forums provide an immersive experience and direct networking opportunities, online forums offer greater flexibility and accessibility. Some of the most notable benefits of these events are:

1. Immersive experience and networking
Participating in conferences, seminars, and workshops allows advertising professionals to interact face-to-face, facilitating a more dynamic and in-depth exchange of ideas. This environment fosters networking and business alliances.

2. Live demonstrations and practical workshops
Forums allow the demonstration of the latest technologies in action, particularly useful in the DOOH context. Seeing the possibilities of 3D or interactive campaigns or understanding the breadth of real-time data analysis enables industry professionals to expand their range of services and offer clients a broader array of options, supported by powerful commercial arguments.

3. Discussion panels and diversity of perspectives
The outdoor advertising sector faces new challenges, derived from the use of data and the regulation of screens in urban spaces. Forums allow industry leaders to share their knowledge and perspectives, debating best practices and technological solutions to these challenges. The greater the diversity of approaches, the more options there will be to maintain the privacy, sustainability, and urban integration values pursued by the sector.

4. Universality and participation
Contrary to the initial belief that DOOH and programmatic aspects of marketing are reserved for a small group of advertisers and agencies, forums democratize these areas and make them accessible to an increasing number of brands. Expanding this shared knowledge among professionals creates a ripple effect, bringing the basic notions of DOOH to almost all agencies and marketing departments.


Commercialization of advertising spaces in Madrid’s transport interchange stations.
Circuit of large-format digital screens for spectacular outdoor advertising.

 Avenida de Manoteras,46, bis 2ª planta ·  28050 Madrid   |
