APPcelerate, a leader in Outdoor advertising measurement, with Clece OOH

08/10/2023 CleceOOH
Medición de publicidad Outdoor e Indoor en España

One of the biggest challenges for agencies, exclusivity providers, and advertisers is measuring outdoor advertising. Having access to millions of data points and capture and analysis technology solves this challenge.

Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising mediums, such as urban billboards or large-format digital screens, as well as indoor spaces like billboards in public transport corridors and lobbies, are key tools for reaching audiences. But how do you measure their impact?

The introduction of Temple Outdoor Tech Tool brings a new perspective to the measurement and valuation of outdoor assets.

APPcelerate, a Spanish AdTech company that has developed this technology, has signed an agreement with the exclusivity provider Clece OOH, which has been working for some time to achieve the professional measurement that both agencies and clients have been demanding in the outdoor medium.

Clece OOH, a leader in advertising management for transport interchanges in Madrid, with its digital mupis circuits and 12 large-format URBAN LED outdoor digital screens located in Príncipe Pío, Avenida de América, and Plaza de Castilla, offers spaces for campaigns at three of the busiest points in Madrid.

They also have a prominent outdoor space for events and special actions, LA PLAZA, located between the KIO Towers and Plaza de Castilla. High coverage to reach relevant targets throughout the Madrid community.


Clece OOH’s challenge: outdoor advertising mesurement

Concha Machín Fernández de la Puente, from Clece OOH management, summarizes the solutions adopted: “Data has been one of the major challenges in the outdoor medium. Thanks to Temple technology, we accurately measure the movements and direction of the audience in front of our large-format Urban Led digital screens. For our indoor mupi circuits, we opted for APPcelerate, an analytical technology based on artificial intelligence that captures any mobile signal and maps the distance and direction of individuals, forming complex traffic diagrams.

The solution even feeds on devices with airplane mode activated.” Finally, she comments, “APPcelerate’s professionalism and the peace of mind provided by a method validated by Deloitte ensure the success of this major project.”


AppCelerate Technology for Measuring Outdoor Advertising Impact

APPcelerate aims to modernize the technological landscape, creating a platform that meets measurement needs while ensuring data security.

In this way, data collection is 100% GDPR-compatible and, most importantly, does not collect personal information. Thus, advertisers will have precise and accurate knowledge of the target audience on Clece OOH platforms, making the outdoor environment a key medium in any advertising strategy.

“At Appcelerate, we are excited about this collaboration with Clece OOH, which reaffirms our leadership in the innovation of indoor and outdoor support measurement.”

“Our advanced technology, Temple, ensures accurate measurement of the audience in front of Clece OOH’s URBAN LED screens, addressing the unique challenges of Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising. In addition, our artificial intelligence provides a deep understanding of audience behavior in indoor mupi circuits,” says Álvaro de Gracia, CEO of APPcelerate.

Specifically, the Urban Led large-format screens reach an audience of 3,213,500 daily impacts (data from Appcelerate, as of June 2023).

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Commercialization of advertising spaces in Madrid’s transport interchange stations.
Circuit of large-format digital screens for spectacular outdoor advertising.

 Avenida de Manoteras,46, bis 2ª planta ·  28050 Madrid   |
